Our Services

EnvironQuest’s understanding of environmental, and social issues combined
with our experience allows us to provide innovative solutions for your projects.

Testing & Analytical Services

We provide you with practical, scientifically-driven, information with defensible data to ensure you meet compliance requirements and daily operational challenges.

Our comprehensive services offer the best testing, consulting, and research–with built in quality assurance and control.

Our analytical laboratory is ISO 17025 accredited and due to our strict adherence to QAQC standards, we have gained the respect of federal, state, and local regulatory agencies.

EnvironQuest laboratory comprises of specialized units, equipped to perform sample treatment, measurement/determination and analysis using established and standard methods.

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EnvironQuest provides non-routine specialty testing services delivering real-time solutions that have a positive impact on our client’s bottom-line and ensuring regulatory requirements are met.

Our specialty testing services includes:

Carbonyls, including Formaldehyde
Dissolved Gases Testing Analysis
Drinking Water Analysis
Indoor Air Quality Analysis
 Remediation Support Services
 Microbiology Services
 Oily Waste Extraction
 PCB Analysis
Stack Emissions Testing/Ambient Air Quality Testing
Vapor Intrusion Testing
Water Quality Analysis
With our accredited laboratory, we have expertise in helping organizations assess and improve indoor air quality. We test a wide variety of different chemicals and parameters that are typically relevant in an Indoor Air Quality program:
Organics (vapors, formaldehyde, semi volatiles, isocyanate, ethylene glycol)
Particulates, dust, silica, asbestos, mists, diesel particulates
For Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) accreditation, we have the equipment to conduct the air testing component of the Indoor Environmental Quality (IEQ) for LEED accreditation.

Ambient Air Quality Monitoring

We can measure the concentration of pollutants in ambient air using state-of-the-art technology. Our field services teams collect, store, and analyse samples to international standards.

Passive monitoring

– Using passive sampling methods to measure average pollution concentrations continuously over set periods. Ideal for baseline measurements and temporary sites. Pollutants of interest include SO2, NO, NO2, CO, CO2, O3, H2S, and tVOCs, PM1, PM2.5, PM10

Particulate Matter Sampling

– PM10 and PM2.5 – microscopic matter suspended in air and dangerous to health when inhaled.

– Particulate samples can be collected on filters and analyzed in the laboratory for parameters including ions, heavy metals, dioxins, furans etc.

Canisters sampling

Whole air samples can be collected by drawing into the Summa/Silonite canister for laboratory analysis. Pollutants of interest include GHGs (CO2, CH4, N2O), VOCs, and Air Toxics.